ISBN-13: 9780380789016
Publisher: HarperCollins Publishers
Pub. Date: March 1999
I have only read two books by Neil Gaiman so far (Caroline and The Wolves In The Wall), and although they are classified under Children/YA genre, still I enjoyed reading them a lot. Neverwhere is actually my first attempt of his full length 'grown up' novel.
Richard Mayhew is a businessman living in London, and he has a fiancee named Jessica who demands a lot from him. Anyway, on his way to meet her superior for a meal, he sees a homeless and injured girl on the street. Although Jessica threatened him that she would call off their engagement if he had decided to help the girl, this doesn't stop Richard from doing so. Thus he brought her home and nursed her, although he doesn't understand why he would help her in the beginning.
The girl, whose name is Door, is actually fleeing from a pair of hired assassins whom had killed her family and that was when she stumbles upon "London Above" and meets Richard. Asides from the strange place she is from, she is also able to communicate with rats and pigeons. But it was until when Richard realizes people could no longer see or hear him, he has to join Door's quest to "London Below" to find out about her family's murder and prepare a battle to save this strange underworld from the others whose aim to destroy it.
Neil Gaiman once again has succeeded in weaving a great fantasy story filled with thrill and suspense. Through his great imaginative mind and skillful writing, he took his readers on a fantastic journey in Neverwhere. This is an extraordinary fantasy story in my opinion, and I am definitely looking forward to more of his books in the near future.
Other Bloggers' reviews:
Great review, Melody! I'm going to get this. Into the wishlist it goes! :)
Thanks, Alice! I'm glad to hear you will be getting this book. :) Can't wait to hear what you think of this book...
I can't wait to get to this one! You really need to read American Gods...it is sooooo good!
Isn't this fun?! I got the DVD of the BBC series of Neverwhere for Christmas--haven't watched it yet, but I'm looking forward to it.
American Gods and Anansi's Boys are both really good (the latter is a kind of sequel to the first) but I wasn't as impressed with Neverwhere.
You should, Debi! LOL. I haven't read American Gods yet, it's in my TBR pile but I know I will get to it soon! ;)
Hey Darla! I didn't know that it has a movie version as well (or is it a movie?).
Hi Jen! Thanks for mentioning Anansi's Boys, didn't know it's a sequel to American Gods. Will have to check it out. :)
It's a miniseries, I believe. And I didn't realize this, but my younger son pointed it out on the book jacket: Gaiman wrote the miniseries, then based the book on the miniseries. We're going to watch it as soon as we finish season 3 of Dr. Who.
Small world: my older son just started reading American Gods.
I was not thrilled with this book, which was only my second or third Gaiman novel. I think, though, that I was just not really in the mood for fantasy at the time I was reading it, so I might try it again another time. Did you like it as much (or more) than Coraline?
Neil Gaiman is such a versatile author, isn't he? I really like his writing and am looking forward to reading this one. Great review, Melody!
I see...thanks for telling me, Darla. I hope your older son will enjoy reading American Gods. ;)
Hi Dewey! I agree sometimes our moods do play a part in our reading... though I enjoyed reading Neverwhere, it is not as great as Coraline IMHO.
Hey Wendy! I agree, Neil Gaiman is a versatile author, not to mention he's very talented too! I can't wait to hear what you will think of this book after you have read it. ;)
Great review. Yours is much more specific than mine..:D
I read it last week and found it really good. This is my first book by Gaiman. I think I will watch out for him.
I had won American Gods in a book giveaway from Dewey. I will read it as soon as possible. Problemis, I can't seem get hold of his books here. Somehow no one has heard of him here. Pity!
Thank you, Gautami! Everyone writes in his or her own way, so each review is always a different read to me even though we are all reading the same book. ;)
Neil Gaiman's books rock! He is such a talented author. And congrats for winning American Gods from Dewey's blog, you are one lucky girl! :D I'm hoping you will be able to find his books there...I understand how you feel and that it sucks not being able to find your favourite authors' books.
I'm always unsure about Neil Gaiman, I don't think he's a brilliant writer. However, Neverwhere is an entertaining novel and, at times, better than American Gods. His writing for Sandman trumps every one of his novels.
Damned Conjuror - I haven't read American Gods and I look forward to reading it after hearing so many raves about this book.