Alice, thank you so much for honouring me with this award and knowing that I manage to cheer you up. ;-) I'd like to say that your cheerful, bubbly personality always cheer me up too. It's always a pleasure to read your posts.
I would like to share this award with all my blogger friends because I think everyone of you deserve this award too. I always find it a joy to receive everyone's comments and to be able to share or exchange our thoughts even though we might not have the chance to meet one another.
Thank you, everyone, for your friendship! I really appreciate it and will always treasure it. :-)
You're most welcome, Melody! Have a great week ahead! :D
Alice - awww thanks for the award! You know that you always make me cheerful when I need it the most. I always have lot of fun chatting with you. So this award is surely hit the mark of our friendship :) Thanks
Give me times to post it to my blog, I have to take care of things first....
Thanks again, Alice! You too have a great week ahead. :)
Julia, that's what I thought also. ;)
I share the same thoughts, Julia. *Hugs*
You have a great week ahead too, Melody. :)
Darn - I meant to add Melody name on my previous comment to this post, and it may have sound like I'm talking only to Alice bawhahwaha
But I'm glad that Melody see through my mistake and knew I was talking about her too. Thanks both Alice and Melody for your wonderful friendship in blog land :)
*hugs you both*
Of course I know what you meant, Julia! Hehe... ;P
Oh, I'm so glad Alice gave you this one! I couldn't agree with her more...this is just a happy place to visit! I always look forward to popping on over to visit you, Melody!
Oh Debi, thank you so much! Your comment has really brighten up my day today. :D