Publisher: Bloomsbury
Published: June 1997
223 pgs
Synopsis (from B&N)
Orphaned as a baby, Harry Potter has spent 11 awful years living with his mean aunt, uncle, and cousin Dudley. But everything changes for Harry when an owl delivers a mysterious letter inviting him to attend a school for wizards. At this special school, Harry finds friends, aerial sports, and magic in everything from classes to meals, as well as a great destiny that's been waiting for him...if Harry can survive the encounter. From an author who has been compared to C. S. Lewis and Roald Dahl, this enchanting, funny debut novel won England's National Book Award and the prestigious Smarties Prize.
I am sure most of you must have read the Harry Potter series or watched the movies so I am taking a different approach when writing the reviews for the Harry Potter Reading Challenge. I would do a self-interview for each book I read in this series and I hope you will enjoy reading them.

A: Honestly, I am not aware of this wonderful series until they hit the big screen. I have to admit I did not read a lot of young adult books back then but I am very happy to pick up this series no matter how late I am. Actually, I had read the first three installments last year but just did not get around to writing the reviews. I am glad this reading challenge comes along so it is a great opportunity for me to catch up on this series!
Q: Which is your favourite and least favourite scene? Why?
A: I have more than one favourite scene! Reading this book is like an adventure to me so how could I possibly just name a scene and neglect the others? However, I have to say Harry's journey to the Hogwarts is an interesting read and I loved the part how he got acquainted with Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger. The scene where Ron has to play the chess so that Harry and Hermione could reach the room safely touched me greatly and this says a lot about their friendship and their loyalty to one another.
As for the least favourite scene, shall I say any scene about the Dursley family bullying Harry annoyed me a lot? They are an irritating lot and that is all I have to say about them.
Q: Name a trait which you think we all should learn from any of the characters in this book.
A: Ron for his self-sacrificing spirit, and the courage the three friends portray during their quests.
Q: Your overall thoughts on this book?
A: I enjoy reading about the magical realism and the wizarding world which J. K. Rowling has created in this wonderful first installment. I liked the premise but what made this a great read is the set of engaging characters on top of the exciting adventure. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, here I come!
Note: I am in the middle of reading the second installment and will be asking the same questions for the rest of this series (except the first) so if you have any questions to ask me on the second book, please post them in the comment box here. Thank you in advance!
It i sa great book. Actually i loose myself in the magical world of Harry Potter! it is so awesome!
I just read the 7th installment and loved it!
I'm glad you enjoy reading these Harry Potter's series as much as I did. I read the first two books and was already reading the third but just never finish it. So that what I've been reading and now I'm done with third book. I be reading the 4th book soon :)
Your favorite scenes about the chess game, was one of my favorite scenes too. Some people tend to either feel Ron is too annoying or they just love him. I find him to be both, although I do like Ron :)
Enjoy your 2nd installment! Can't wait to read your review on that one :)
Veens - I'm glad you enjoyed the final installment! I can't wait to read that one, but it seems like I've a long way to go. ;)
Julia - I hope you'll enjoy the 4th installment! Can't wait to hear what you'll think of it.
I like Ron; he's cute and witty.
I still haven't read any of the Harry Potter books but I have seen all the movies :)
Do you think that the movie is really close to the book? Or will reading the book give you a different exp altogether?
Violet - I loved all the movies! I can't wait to watch the final installment. I heard they'll have two movies for that.
Yes, I think the movie follows quite closely to the book, but of course we all know the book is always better! ;) Reading the book and watching the movie is always a different experience to me. :P
I love the Harry Potter books, pure escapism!
Harry Potter is just pure delight. The first, especially, is innocent and magical. They lose the innocence real soon, though, but doesn't take away from the joy I feel reading these books. I've read the hard book series twice through, and now the kids and I are listening to the audios in the car. I can't get enough.
I want to read them again too! I miss the characters so much. Sometimes I STILL get sad that it's over :P
I'm reading them for the first time as part of the challenge. While I've been rushing around getting ready for school, the scene where everyone at Ron's house is getting ready pops in my head. I love the line about all the kids bumping into each other with bits of toast in their hands.
So, here's a question. Does any of the book relate to your "real" life?
I read this one when I was 15 and liked it very much.
This series was such a pleasant surprise for me, and now one of my favourites. Glad you are enjoying them.
Great book - and GREAT way of reviewing it!
(As a side note, this is how dorky I am: Here in the states it's Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. While in London, I picked up the original because clearly I HAD to have it. :) )
Your website design is AWESOME!
What a fun way to do your review. I'm going to revisit the books on audio.
Hi Melody, I'd love to revisit the series too. I miss Harry Potter!
Yay self-interviews! I wish I could remember the second book better so I could give you some questions.
Aren't the Dursley's rotten?? I was constantly annoyed with them as well.
So glad you're enjoying the series. I think as they go on they become more "adult" than "young adult." Can't wait to hear what you think of #2!
I loved this series and read it twice. I totally agree that reading these is like an adventure. The books only get better!
A question for you: Which Hogwarts House would you chose to be in and why?
Dot - Indeed it is!
Sandy - I can't wait to finish this series! I'm hoping to complete them before the final movie is released next year!!
Nymeth - I feel sad that this series are over! I'm hoping JK Rowling will start another new series!
Amy - Thanks for the question, Amy! I'll answer this for my review on the next HP book! :)
Andreea - This series are popular not only to the young readers but to the adults as well! ;)
Mariel - Yes! This is one of my favourite series!!
Lauren - Ah...you're surely a HP fan to get the other book!! :P
Sheri - Thank you!! :)
Beth - I can't wait to hear your views on them soon!
Alice - I hope you'll read them again! I'd love to hear your thoughts on them. :)
Trish - Hate the Dursleys!!! I frown whenever I see the father and son on screen!
Naida - Thanks for the question, Naida! I can't wait to finish the second book and get on with the rest! :)
Ooh, I'm doing this challenge too. I can't wait. I'm glad you enjoyed the first book. I'm looking really looking forward to reading it now. :-D
Re-reading Harry Potter is always a treat. I should indulge more often:)
Yes...the friendship and loyalty a fabulous thing and so important in life. I loved it that Harry, Hermione and Ron all have strengths that helped the others' weaknesses.
I liked your self-interview style.