Wanda from A Season to Read has recently passed on the Lemonade Award to me and this is a real feel-good award for blogs that show great attitude or gratitude. Besides being a recipient of several other awards, I am also happy to learn that Wanda is nominated in the best commenter/commentator category for BBAW! If you haven't visit her blog, you should!
I'm passing on the lemonade to all my friends and readers because I feel each and every one of you deserved it! This blog wouldn't be around without your support!
You deserve it Senorita!
Veens - Thank you! :)
I second Veens...very well deserved!
Congrats on your award, Melody! And, summertime and lemonade sound like they go so well together :)
Haven't visited Wanda's blog so will have to go peek over there!
Thanks Melody! How did you guess I was thirsty? ;)
congrats mel :O)
Congrats on the award, Melody :) You definitely deserve it!
Congrats, Melody! :D
Sandy, Iliana, Nymeth, Naida, Ceri & Alice - Thank you so much, ladies! You've no idea how much I appreciate all your comments! They always bring a smile to my face! :)
Congrats on the lemonade award.
Congrats on award, Melody! You well deserved once again! :)
Serena & Julia - Thank you, ladies! :)