I am awed by these pictures. They are simply beautiful! Imagine the photographer spending a year just to shoot these!

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5 Responses
  1. Unknown Says:

    I agree that those are breataking

  2. They are gorgeous! So peaceful! Can I go into the pictures instead of going to my office today? :-)

    Side note: The book drawing is open to everyone, worldwide. Thanks for asking, Melody. I made a note on my blog as soon as I saw your comment. :-)

  3. Melody Says:

    Thanks for telling, literary feline! :)

  4. Kathy Says:

    Beautiful photos. I can't decide which season I like best.
    Thanks for stopping by...I have been trying new templates, but the few I tried didn't work properly. So I went back to a google template, and lightened up for Spring. I've read a number of negative comments about black bckgrounds, altho' it makes the photos really stand out more.
    One of these days, when I'm RICH, I'll pay a graphic designer to make a special header for me. I'm looking for something unique that says "ME" but haven't found it yet in my web searches.
    Any suggestions?

  5. Melody Says:

    Hey Kathy, thanks for stopping by my blog! Like you, I'd like to change my current template but some of the designs I like doesn't support by blogger, and that is why my current layout remains the same.

    If you visit my other blog (Melody's Other Bookshelf) which is listed under my profile, you may find a link where the designer has created several beautiful templates (I'm not sure about replacing the current blogs though; I have only used their template to create my above new blog). Happy experiencing! :)

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