This picture was taken from a view in my office (I know, it isn't a good picture). It is raining cats and dogs this morning. In fact, it has been raining mostly in the late afternoons for the past few days, which I find it rather odd, because the weather is supposed to be hot and sunny especially towards the middle of the year.
Anyway, I am sipping my cup of steaming green tea while writing this, and hope we will get to see some sun later in the afternoon.
Rain Rain go away . . . . yes that is very odd for you guys to be getting rain. I remember when we were planning our trip you said it was hot and sunny after February every day!!
It's been rainy over here this week . . . only difference, it's cold here!!!
Here's to a nice sunny weekend!!!
It's cloudy in KL this morning... and it rains almost every evening, starting at 3.00 PM, sometimes earlier. I think Mr Weather is getting a little 'cranky' lately...
Hi Jen, indeed it's very odd. I wonder what has happened to our weather lately...
Hi Alice, I guess our weathers will be somehow similiar, since our countries are neighbours! LOL.
Could you send your rain our way...we could really use it!
Well, the weather looks frightful, but the steaming cup of green tea sure sounds good!
Hi Marg, thanks for stopping by! Don't you hate it when the weather is so unpredictable?! Oh well... (Wishing I could send some showers over there!)
Hi Debi, sure I enjoy my cup of steaming green tea...every morning! I'm addicted to it! ;)
Please send the rain here too! ;)
We're drought-stricken :|